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Imagine living in a world where your assumptions shape your reality, turning your deepest desires into tangible experiences. Welcome to the realm of the Law of Assumption (LOASS). This powerful concept is a cornerstone of the manifestation niche, offering a unique approach to creating the life you dream of. Let’s explore what LOASS means and how it can transform your manifesting journey.

What is LOASS?

The Law of Assumption, often abbreviated as LOASS, is the idea that what you assume to be true becomes your reality. It’s based on the principle that your beliefs and assumptions about yourself and the world around you directly influence your experiences. By assuming the feeling of your wish fulfilled, you align your inner world with your desires, making them more likely to manifest in your outer world.

Why LOASS Matters

Understanding LOASS is crucial because it highlights the power of your mindset. Instead of merely hoping for your desires to come true, you start living as if they already have. This shift in perspective creates a powerful magnetism that draws your desires into your reality. It’s about embodying the state of having what you want, which in turn, attracts it to you.

Using LOASS to Manifest Your Dreams

So, how do you use LOASS to bring your dreams to life? It starts with cultivating the right assumptions. Here are some steps to help you harness the power of LOASS:

1. Assume Your Desired Reality: Begin by assuming that your desires are already fulfilled. Live and think as if what you want is already yours.
  - "By assuming that I am already successful, I activate the LOASS to bring success into my life."

2. Feel the State of Fulfillment: Emotions play a crucial role in LOASS. Feel the joy, satisfaction, and gratitude of having your desires fulfilled.
  - "When I feel the gratitude of already having my dream home, I align myself with the LOASS to make it a reality."

3. Affirm Your Assumptions: Use positive affirmations to reinforce your assumptions. This helps solidify your new mindset and dispel any doubts.
  - "I affirm daily that I am worthy of love and success, which strengthens my practice of LOASS."

4. Visualize with Conviction: Visualize your desires with the conviction that they are already real. Engage all your senses to make the experience as vivid as possible.
  - "By visualizing my goals with conviction, I harness the power of LOASS to bring them into my life."

5. Act as If: Take actions that align with your assumed reality. When you act as if your desires are already fulfilled, you create a powerful alignment between your inner and outer worlds.
  - "I act as if I am already in my dream job, which activates the LOASS to manifest career opportunities."

Living with LOASS

Living with LOASS means adopting a mindset where your assumptions shape your reality. It’s about consistently embodying the state of having what you desire and trusting that the universe will mirror your inner world.
  - "By living with LOASS, I maintain a mindset that my dreams are already fulfilled, attracting them effortlessly into my life."

Embracing the Law of Assumption opens up a new dimension of manifesting power. It reminds you that your assumptions and beliefs are the architects of your reality. By assuming your desired reality, feeling the state of fulfillment, affirming your assumptions, visualizing with conviction, and acting as if, you can harness the power of LOASS to bring your dreams to life. Step into this transformative practice with confidence and watch as your assumptions shape a reality beyond your wildest dreams.


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